My philosophy
My mission is to bring out the specificities of Vallee de la Marne terroir. I grow the three Champagne grape varieties on clay-limestone soils
« Les Galipes » means vines in the Champagne dialect. This expression is specific to the Marne Valley. It wasn't necessarily flattering, as our terroirs were once mocked. I've taken the opposite view by working carefully within the vineyard and the cellar.

Depuis plusieurs années, j’ai décidé d ‘enherber toutes mes parcelles, je suis maintenant certifié HVE 3. (Haute Valeur Environnementale niveau 3). La prise en compte des enjeux environnementaux me paraît cruciale à la fois pour faire de bons vins mais aussi pour les générations futures.

The history of the cooperative
In the 1950s, Jules Marlé, my great-grandfather, took the bold step of creating a cooperative on a human scale.
At the time, grape prices were so low that winegrowers were struggling to make a living from their work. That's why Jules brought together a number of vineyard enthusiasts, encouraging them to join forces. Together, they pressed their harvests and sold their champagnes directly.

Guérin Brian

En tant que représentant de la quatrième génération, j’ai rejoint la coopérative de Villiers-sous-Châtillon au début des années 2000.
Today, we are 2 members in the cooperative. This small size is a strength that enables us to carry out micro-vinifications, create quality cuvées and guarantee total traceability of our grapes, from the grapevine to the bottle.